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  • Interest is exactly "Independence"
Hillary Clinton has a 69 percent disapproval rate among all veterans. Indeed,
there are many reasons for it. First of all, Benghazi: four people died on her
watch and she did not send help. Secondly, Hillary refused to apologize to all
veterans, when…
Iraq, Syria, Libya — several years of fails in the Middle East diplomacy. May I

remind you Hillary had a long time to show her foreign policy skills — being a
Secretary of State she had quite enough of political powers.

How can anyone support her?…
If a Republican doesn’t like guns he doesn’t buy one. If a Democrat doesn’t
like guns he wants all guns outlawed. We all know the Supreme Court is now
under a threat of receiving anti-gun majority ofjudges. Only a conservative
President can stop this…
It’s time for THE PEOPLE to stand for Constitutional rights! Join -
Join the Crusade against Federal tyranny! Protect the Constitution! _
TAG YOUR PHOTOS WITH #TXagainst Send us the reason why don't you
want illegals in Texas.
Comments, photos, and videos are welcomed!
Join the Crusade against Federal tyranny! Protect the Constitution! -
Stand for the people not the Government! Join the rally in Atlanta this Sunday!
American Crusade - Ga
TAG YOUR PHOTOS WITH #TXagainst Send us the reason why don't you
want illegals in Texas.
Comments, photos, and videos are welcomed!
Stop federal overreach! Stand for the patriots in a protest rally in Atlanta, GA!
American Crusade - Ga